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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Cara Mengecilkan Perut Dengan Cepat

       Perut buncit tidak hanya menjadi masalah serius bagi kaum wanita, begitu juga dengan pria. Selain mengganggu penampilan perut buncit juga membuat kita mudah terserang penyakit. Karena sebagian besar penyakit bersarang di perut atau pencernaan (khususnya usus).

       Sebenarnya perut buncit disebabkan karena gaya hidup yang tidak sehat dan banyaknya mengkonsumsi makanan cepat saji atau junkfood. Selain itu kurangnya beraktifitas dan terlalu banyak duduk juga dapat menyebabkan perut menjadi buncit. Pola hidup yang tidak sehat demikianlah yang seringkali menimbulkan banyak ‘akibat negatif’ terhadap kesehatan.

[Tips Cara Mengecilkan Perut Dengan Cepat dan Aman]

Banyak penyebab perut buncit diantaranya, pola makan yang tidak teratur, makan terburu-buru, pola piker yang salah tentang makan dan makanan, faktor gen dan usia, dan minuman bersoda dan atau minuman yang mengandung alcohol.

        Nah, bagi yang sudah terlanjur bermasalah dengan perut buncit, jangan khawatir. Simak tips cara mengecilkan perut dengan cepat dan aman berikut :

Hindari makan garam yang berlebihan.

Terlalu bayak mengkonsumsi garam dalam diet dapat menambah ekstra sodium terhadap cairan tubuh kita dan memperlambat mekanisme dalam tubuh. Sehingga perut akan terasa penuh dan menggembung. Batasi juga makanan yang mengandung karbohidrat.

Hindari Stres

Accent dapat meningkatkan nafsu makan dan menyebabkan kita menjadi sulit tidur, jadi cegahlah accent sedini mungkin dengan melakukan auspicious atau mencoba tidur dengan lebih awal. Dan hindarilah tidur setelah makan terutama pada malam hari, karena tidur setelah makan akan membuat perut kita menjadi semakin buncit.

Olahraga dan air putih

        Air putih adalah untuk membersihkan agency dalam terutama saluran pencernaan kita dari berbagai racun dan penyakit. Selain itu dengan meminum air juga dapat menjamin fungsi empedu efektif untuk mengeluarkan sampah. Sedangkan olahraga sangat berguna untuk pembuangan kalori atau hasil pembakaran lemak dan kita konsumsi. Olahraga yang cocok untuk mengecilkan perut adalah dengan melakukan jalan santai, advance up, aerobik dan olahraga lainnya. Selamat mencoba............

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Cara Memasang IP Address Locator

Mungkin Anda pernah menemukan di suatu Blog yang menampilkan Alamat IP ADDress dari pengunjung Blog.. padahal kita sebagai pengunjung tidak pernah memberi Informasi mengenai Ip Address kita. dan mengapa itu bisa terjadi...??  Baiklah, Mari kita tanya dengan Galilleo...hehee..... "Memang banyak Situs-situs di Internet yang menyediakan pasilitas Tool IP diantaranya IP Address Locator dengan memasang IP Address Locator di suatu Blog, pengunjung Blog bisa mengetahui Alamat IP ( Internet Protocol ), Lokasi IP ataupun nama ISP (Internet Service Provider ) bagi pengunjung yang terkoneksi ke jaringan Internet, salah-satu penyedia layanan ini adalahhzzp:// dan apabila Anda ingin menampilkan IP Address Locator adalah:
Copy script dibawah ini lalu diletakkan di Html/Javascript diarea Blog yang Sobat inginkan.

<script language="JavaScript" src="hzzp://" type="text/JavaScript">
Powered by <a href="hzzp://">IP Address Locator</a> 

Catatan: Silahkan diganti Huruf yang berwarna zz dengan "tt" tanpa tanda " ".

Hasilnya akan  terlihat seperti  ini.

Cara Membuat Recent Comment dengan Avatar

Membuat recent comment / komentar  yang di lengkapi dengan Avatar / Gambar tanpa edit html dan Tanpa panjang lebar, langsungsaja.... Bagaimana membuatnya caranya:

 1. Login ke blogger dengan akun Anda.
 2. Di dashboard masuk ke layout
 3. Setelah itu anda pilih add gadget >> HTML/Javascript
 4. Masukkan kode-kode di bawah ini pada kotak HMTL/Javascript

        <style type="text/css">
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        <script type="text/javascript">
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    Keterangan :
    Warna merah   : adalah jumlah komentar yang ditampilkan
    Warna kuning 40 : ukuran pixel avatar
    Warna hijau 60 : Jumlah karakter huruf komentar
    Warna Kuning : ganti dengan URL blog Anda.
 5. Kemudian save, Selesai..... Semoga bermanfaat.

Cara Membuat Widget Alexa di Blogspot

Selain Google Page Rank untuk mengetahui peringkat Blog Anda, ada jenis layanan lain yang dapat Anda manfaatkan  contohnya seperti Widget di Alexa yang dapat diletakan di situs atau blog Anda, Untuk peringkat penilaiannya berbeda dari penilaian yang di berikan oleh Google Page Rank jika google Page Rank menentukan kualitas penilaian dari suatu blog yaitu 0-10 untuk peringkat suatu Blog. maka untuk penilaian yang paling besar menunjukkan  makin baik pula peringkat atau kualitas dari Blog itu, namun pada Widget di Alexa untuk menentukan penilaian atau kualitas suatu Blog. menunjukan nilai berbanding berbalik dengan penilaian peringkat dari layanan Google Page Rank. yang pemberian peringkat pada suatu Blog apabila nilai yang dihasilkan di Widget Alexanilainya makin kecil maka peringkat dari suatu Blog itu menunjukan peringkat yang baik atau bagus. dan bila Anda tertarik untuk membuatWidget Alexa  anda dapat mengikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini :

1. Silahkan Anda mengunjungi situs
2. Lalu daftarkan Blog Anda atau register lalu isi data-data yang diminta.

3. konfirmasi email dan klik tautan yang dikirim oleh alexa.
4. Verifikasi kembali email anda lalu buat pasword.

5. Kemudian login, lalu klik pada menu "For Site Owners"

6. Kemudian klik  menu "Get Traffic Widgets"

7. Terdapat beberapa pilihan bentuk widget yang dapat Anda pilih, sebelum memasukkan URL atau situs pada kolom yang tersedia,Lalu klik "Build Widget"

8.Selanjutnya silahkan copy kode HTML yang tersedia menurut ukuran yang Anda kehendaki 

9. Kemudian Login ke akun blogger Anda dan paste kode yang di Copy tadi lalu pastekan pada bagian yang Anda inginkan lalu klik Rancangan pilih Html/Javascript.   Selesai...

Selamat Mencoba..............

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cara Membuat Blogspot di Blogger

Cara membuat Blog di Blogger langkah pertama yang harus di lakukan adalah Anda harus mempunyai Email yang Baru di buat dengan kata lain Email yang akan dipergunakan untuk membuat Blog tidak terpaut dengan suatu Account lain seperti terkait di Account pada Sosial Media (Facebook, Twitter,Myspace Etc) Setelah Email dibuat silahkan Anda mengunjungi situs di, Untuk lebih jelasnya Andat dapat mengikuti langkah-langkah pembuatannya dibawah ini...

Cara Membuat Blogspot di Blogger

1. Anda dapat menggunjungi Situs, Lalu masukan alamat Email yang telah Anda buat tadi gunakanlah Email dari Gmail dan masukan Password akun Gmail Anda Kemudian klik MASUK / Get Started, tampilannya seperti ini.

2. Setelah Anda memasukan alamat Email, Password Gmail anda dan klik MASUK / Get Started, Isi Alamat Email, Nama Sobat, Nama tampilan dan klik penerimaan persyaratan. Kemudian klik LANJUTKAN

3. Isi Judul Blog, dan Alamat Blog yang Anda inginkan dan klik LANJUTKAN.

4. Untuk memulai blog kita, maka kita harus klik tombol CIPTAKAN BLOG ANDA

5. Di halaman ini Anda akan diminta untuk memberi nama untuk Blog yang akan Kita buat setelah itu kita. Mulai dari memberi judul serta menentukan alamat blog (URL) kita.
Setelah kita menentukan alamat blog, kita harus klik CEK KETERSEDIAAN untuk mengetahui alamat blog tersebut masih tersedia atau sudah terpakai/Valid.

6. Pilih Template yang anda suka (kalau anda tidak suka Template yang telah di sediakan. sebaiknya pilih Template default lalu klik LANJUTKAN.

7. Blog sudah selesai dan siap untuk di masukan dengan postingan jika halaman di bawah sudah tampil.silahkan klik lanjutkan kemudian menuju ketampilan postingan...selesai

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Supervision Of The Children In Computer Use

Computers  have   become  part  of  our lives and not allow your child to enjoy the achievement of mankind - is unrealistic.   In addition,  parents often   buy a computer  for  the  children of the most well-intentioned - that the child was  not kept  pace  with technological progress.

It's true. But it  would  be  best  for the  child  if  his  familiarity with the computer to happen later. The child will develop well, reading books, visiting  museums  and  theaters.

If the time has come,  and you allow  him  to use a computer, you need to look closely to the content of games  that  he plays,  as  many of them   are   aggressive, destructive   influence on the child's psyche. A child  during    the game   takes  over   aggressive   settings   lost the craving for a   good and creative pursuits. Computer    games,   filled  with scenes of murder and violence, as well as television movies, bring ungovernability and  violence  in   children. Parents  are busy  and  often do  not   have enough time to keep up with classes of children who sit at the computer.

Block unwanted child sites

Typically,   a child,  sated   games,   recorded   on discs,  wants  to have  something  new and more interesting. Parents can   not   interfere   to the child and allow to use the Internet. Children 7-8 years are tied to their parents  and   obey them. But they   were   bursting   with curiosity to  look    at the prohibited sites. To  make    this not happen,   place your    computer in   a common  room,   so   you can see what he does. If necessary,    block   unwanted   material.   Encourage your  children to consult  with you about getting the right    information  from the Internet,  do  not   let   them download without   asking   different files, music, software,  start   your   own   email address. Let   your   child know how dangerous it is to talk to strangers on the Internet, and even more so, to personally meet with someone.

Buying a computer student

Preschool-age   kid   would   rather take   a   while  sometimes the parent computer. But the student 7-8 years may well  require   to buy it personal.   Do not  be   afraid of it. In this age of the child actively learns, and the computer   can   help   him  in this.   But the  benefits   are not   passed  to the detriment of the need to set the residence time of the   child at   the computer.   Toddler preschooler can be in front of a computer no more than 10-15 minutes,  and  not   necessarily   every day. At 7 - 8 years - about 30-40 minutes. 9 -11 years old  child   can   afford   to  spend  on the computer up to six hours a day. In this question you need to be adamant.

Before   you   buy  a  computer  for  your  child,  ask   yourself why you buy it? For current training programs on the computer does   not require   outstanding   performance in terms of speed and performance. However, without   this  child   can not   afford   to listen to music and  watch videos online. It is necessary to provide for everything to be in moderation. No need to buy a   cheap   computer (for children), but  also  to   acquire the latest update is also not worth it. It is important   that the monitor is LCD, it is safer for the eyes.

A   computer   purchased Now   you   need to    properly   equip a computer place. It should be well lit, but the monitor  is   not   exposed   to   direct sunlight.   The   room   needed  a   little   more   programmer provetrivat.Razmery   table  must  match  the   child's  growth.   Need   to   make   sure  that   the  baby   was sitting  right,   exactly   holding  back,   put  his   feet   on   the  stand.  Monitor  position  at  arm's   length  of the child.

And   the   last   one. How  to   protect   your   child's   eyes?   First,   adjust   the   display   settings  so  that it was as  comfortable   as possible.   Encourage   your   child   to   periodically    break away from the screen, make special exercises for the eyes.

Syndrome of a failure in the primary school

Each period of life characterized by a  number of psychological characteristics that have a decisive influence on his behavior in society. The nature of the child depends on how it reacts around - some forms of behavior will   cause   he promotion,   and other penalties.   These   reactions, in turn,   lead  to  the consolidation of the psychological  characteristics of   the   child or to change  them.   If  the   reactions  of  others   exacerbate an existing problem of the child,  then there are the  most persistent mental disorders, while a vicious circle, which will only be able to break the restructuring of relations with the child.

If there is    to be a loser syndrome, the main feature of     the child's psychological - an increased level of anxiety. He  was   not   sure of himself,    constantly   worried about something    and   worried.   Any negative or negative evaluation of   others will   lead  to  increased   levels    of anxiety. Here are the situations that are perceived by ordinary children calmly, in a child  with a high level of anxiety will cause stress.
Also worth noting is that the loser syndrome difficult decision - the child is too bad considering all the possible scenarios. As a result, increasing the level of anxiety affects all aspects of life.

In  preparation  for school,   or   at   the   very  beginning  of   adults   change   their  attitude  towards   failures and   successes of the child, while the difficulties are almost always  inevitable at the beginning of school, cause my parents sharply   negative reaction. Such negative   assessments of children's self-esteem and reduces   anxiety   levels increased,    but these changes  did not contribute to improved outcomes. On the contrary,  the child   begins   to think of it beforehand, "as it will be bad if you get back 2" spends too much time on minor details of the job or refuses to very difficult task in his opinion.

Often   the   excessive demands of      parents to child is the    starting point to   the   formation   of high anxiety. Perceptions of middle  school success as a failure,   leads to the fact   that after the parents of the child begins to be considered as well.   As   a   result   of  growing   concern,   and therefore - the real problems begin in school.

So,  to infer the presence of a  child syndrome,  a loser, you must pay attention to the nuances of the following:
- Low achievement. Is not   considered an objective  picture, and the estimate given by the child's activity adults - teachers, parents.
- Restlessness,   anxiety and self-doubt.   As a rule,   the greatest concern is with regard to the school.
- Overly high estimates of the importance of adults to children.

The   constant   state   of failure   over time leads to   the   formation   of pessimistic sentiment, and often develop depression, which may  occur by the end   of primary  school. At the age of the older - teenagers - are often performed rollover   loser   in the school   area   to   the other spheres of life and self-generated totally successful person.

For  index   loser   syndrome   adults   should give   the child   a   feeling of success. It   does  not compare the results of a child with nothing but his own results, but if for some reason, the results are reduced, there is no need to scold the child - simply  express   confidence   that   everything  will turn out tomorrow. It is important to find some area   of ​​activity   in which   the child will be able to realize themselves, even though it will    not be directly related   to   their studies.  And let them   have   long to wait for success - confidence and   self-esteem   of the child  is worth it.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Carrot recipes

Do you know   how to eat carrots   to be healthy and beautiful? According to the estimates of nutritionists, at least 11-15 pounds a year. Better not limited to these figures, however, add to the diet of more carrot juice, carrot jam, carrot different masks.

The easiest  way to  boost immunity,   improve skin condition - to eat every day on an empty stomach for 100 gr. carrots. For beta-carotene is better digestion, and quickly turned into vitamin A, carrots add a teaspoon of any vegetable oil or sour cream.
For all who want to improve eyesight, too, have a proven  recipe:  Mix the juice of carrots, beets and parsley in a ratio of 2:2:1 and  drink a glass every day.  If your gut that  proved too heavy, then dilute the juice with water.
Annoyed by the constant  dryness of the skin and hair? Drink carrot juice 2-3 times a week and make a carrot mask. Here  is the recipe  of one of them: Take 1 tbsp.  spoon sour cream, cottage cheese and carrot juice. All Mix and apply on dry clean skin for 15 minutes.
The hair does  not shine? Carrots are  here to help: Take 4 tbsp. spoons of fresh carrot juice, 2 tablespoons lemon juice and burdock oil. The resulting mixture was thoroughly rub into the scalp and hair, heated for half an hour.
When  this  mixture helps cystitis: 100 g  carrots with 2 tbsp. spoonfuls of cranberry. Take daily until symptoms disappear.
At the first sign of colds  and flu begins  folk medicine  recommends  drinking carrot juice with 2 mashed garlic cloves, 2-3 times daily before meals.
If the sore throat you can not escape, or it has  passed into  the chronic form, the daily gargling freshly pressed carrot juice will correct the situation within a few days.
Combine  fortification will be happy to  carrot-citrus jam.  Ingredients: 1 lemon, 1 orange, half a kilo of carrots and as much sugar.  Grate carrots on a coarse grater. Lemon and orange peel with the mince, mix with carrots,  add the sugar and, if necessary,  a little water.  Bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes. Roll up into a jar, and then serve.
Number  of carrot  recipes   health and beauty is inexhaustible  and ever-increasing. You can start learning them now, because the carrot is also the least expensive vegetable.
It should be noted  that  carrots  can be   stored only in   the dark and washed just before use, otherwise it will quickly  lose their   vitamin value, and worse. Washed carrots on the shelves of supermarkets, unfortunately, will not bring the body to use.

Exercises To Relieve Fatigue

Exercises to relieve fatigue


There is no universal method by which can   relieve fatigue any man.Because the causes of fatigue are also diverse: it   can occur due   to physical activity,   and perhaps because of  the intense mental work.We consider an exercise to relieve fatigue occurred for different reasons.

Removing the fatigue of mental work

In mental work to remove the fatigue of the   day, you need to annoy the point on the neck and head. Such exercises can be done while on the road. To do this, loosen clothing that may constrict the neck, and massage your fingers laden with the large muscles of the neck, located behind the ears and neck. These muscles are located on both sides to continue their mass as long as relieve tension. For the next exercise you have to press both   hands on his head, and if at   the same time you feel that there is a weakness of some department, you have to massage it with a  force so long as it does not completely relax. Try to press the tips of the fingers to the point Hyakuh, located on the crown. If you feel as if she settles down, it says that the head is very tired. After a point on   the head are irritated,   you need to put your hands on your lower back, slowly and carefully press your thumbs on either side near the vertebrae, gradually shifting the hand. Then you need to in order to massage the hip, knee bends, calves, ankles. After that, a massage, going in the opposite direction.

Repeat the massage 10 times. To perform the final exercise, you need to sit cross-legged, and make the inhaling and exhaling. After that, put   fingertips to symmetric points Futi and Tenchi, located on the back of the head, lift  the shoulders, elbows to the sides to arrange and straighten your back. It should take a deep breath  and hold   it for a few seconds. Then you  need to exhale through the mouth, pushing at the moment on the point. Repeat exercise 15 times.

Removal of physical fatigue

If you feel a general fatigue, the need to perform light exercise, seeking a balance of the circulatory and nervous systems. The general condition of the body  can be disrupted by excessive movements of the hands and feet.  If a person suffers from diabetes, or  gastrointestina   l diseases, the body is weakened gradually, and in the morning the patient is not only hard   work but to get up for work.In the summer of a person's mood can change air-conditioning. To remove the  fatigue developed the technique of finger exercises. This is due to the fact that fatigue occurs, usually in the muscles, further   breakdown of the nerves transmitted to the brain, where it is perceived as fatigue.

If the person feels lethargic, but he did not   commit heavy physical work, it may not be feeling tired and fatigue   imaginary. In this case the  removal of fatigue is to  change the mood: for example, a woman in another hair, and a man to reconsider his desk, and the negative feelings do not linger long.

A set of exercises to relieve fatigue

1) For the removal of fatigue may be to do the   selection of coins from the floor. Coins must be chosen strictly on one, this  can not  bend   your knees. The  minimum number of coins - 10 pcs. Through this exercise trains the balance of the   muscles  throughout   the body. Once you have all the coins, there are a few tilts back;

2) It is necessary to press the pad  of the  thumb to the point Sezdan, which is located behind the middle of the calf, to the pain. Held for 20 seconds, and then quietly lift a finger. Repeat this exercise 2-3 times;

3) must lie on the floor,  place your hands at your  sides,  legs straighten.  Try to make the most of the spine touching the floor. In this position should linger for 8 to 10 minutes;

4) must lie on your back, stretch your arms forward and pull up. In this case the shoulders should not lift off the floor. Exercise should  be repeated 7-9 times;

5) You need to lie on  your back, clasp the legs bent at the  knees, hands and swing, like "Vanka-Poly";

6) should lie on your back, legs  bent  at the    knees and put his hands behind his head. Tear off the floor head and shoulders, while the abdomen should be tight. Repeat the exercise for at least 7-to 10-fold;

7) It is    necessary  to sit down and  drop your chin as   low as   possible,   slowly turn   your head to the right and left. Repeat the exercise five times in each direction.

Peppermint With Applications Herbs and Supplements

Peppermint With Applications

Properties of Peppermint

Peppermint possesses antispasmodic, sedative, antiseptic, analgesic, and choleretic properties. Preparations made from the leaves of plants, improves appetite, increases the secretion of digestive glands, increases bile secretion, is antispasmodic action, decreasing smooth muscle tone of the urinary and biliary tract and intestines.

Herbs and Supplements

Stems, flowers and peppermint leaves contain tannin, trace elements, essential oils, hesperidin, organic matter, carotene, betaine, and flavonoids. Consider what a mint: properties and applications.

The use of peppermint

Peppermint is used as a tool, which calms the headache, and stimulated cardiac function in atherosclerosis, angina and hypertension. It has been widely used to treat asthma and colds upper respiratory tract. Drugs, including in its membership peppermint, are appointed with cholangitis, flatulence, spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea and vomiting. It is used in diseases of the gall bladder and liver. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver.

In folk medicine, infusion of peppermint is used to treat heart and lung disease, leukemia, in the case of neurotic states and insomnia. Mint leaves is a positive impact for heavy menstruation.

Peppermint is also used topically in order to strengthen the gums and as a gargle for toothache, as compresses and lotions for acne and insect bites, for baths designed to relieve tired feet.

Preparation of broth, has choleretic, antispasmodic and sedative actions: brew ½ tablespoons leaves 250 ml boiling hot water, heated 15 minutes in a water bath, stirring constantly. Cool, drain, squeeze raw materials. Bring the volume of the resulting infusion to the original, adding a warm boiled water. Drink half a cup 2-3 times a day for 15 minutes before eating.

Preparation of the infusion is used in cholelithiasis: Brew 1 teaspoon herbs 250 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes. Cool, drain, squeeze raw materials. Drink half a cup three times a day for 15 minutes before eating.

Preparation of the infusion, which is used for insomnia: boil 500 ml of warm water 20 g of peppermint leaves. Infuse over 6 hours, drain, squeeze raw materials. Drink half a cup before bedtime.

Infusion is used in leukemia: make 250 ml of boiling water 10 g of peppermint leaves, infuse over 6 hours drain, squeeze the raw material. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Preparation of the infusion is used in heavy menstruation: 500 ml of boiling water to brew 20 grams of the leaves of peppermint. Infuse the leaves for 2 hours, drain, squeeze the raw material. Drink throughout the day.

Preparation of the decoction is used in gastritis: boil 250 ml of boiling water 1 tablespoon leaves of peppermint. Heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, strain. Drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Preparation of broth, intended for adoption in depression: boil 250 ml of boiling water 1 tbsp leaves of peppermint. Simmer on low heat for 10 minutes, sue, drain. Drink in the morning and evening half a cup.

Preparation of tincture of peppermint, designed for outdoor use: boil 100 g of grass with 3 liters of boiling water, infuse for 30 minutes, cool. Make bath for tired feet, the length of trays ranging from 15 to 20 minutes.

Preparation of infusion for the treatment of acne: make 50 ml of boiling water 1 tablespoon peppermint. Infuse for 20 minutes, wait for the brew to cool and drain. Make a mask 2-3 times a week for 20 minutes.

Preparation of broth for use in dry skin: boil 2 tablespoons herb peppermint 500 ml of boiling water. Boil for 7 to 8 minutes on low heat, cool, strain. Decoction to wash every morning.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Movement in children to healthy

Movement in children to healthy

Studies have shown that one in three children as early as the 6th Age is remarkably healthy. This means that every third child suffers at the age of 6 years already suffer from obesity, poor posture and lack of concentration and perception.

Recycling can these abnormalities on physical inactivity. Constant sitting in front of the TV or sitting at the computer for hours, plus one-sided and fat diet: all of our children can become overweight.

Even in the earliest childhood movement should be encouraged. Parents and educators, it is advisable to ensure that children are already given as early as the kindergarten sufficient space for play and exercise. Balls, scooters and tricycles should be in every kindergarten available to play - just like an outdoor playground.


Visit regularly to explore with your children and grand children's playgrounds, the surrounding forests and parks, play catch with you, and also hiding ball with your little ones visit the children's gymnastics, these courses are offered everywhere for mother and child.

Show your children how to ride a bicycle, which moves over liners. Enroll your child in swimming lessons at - it will show a few weeks after the seahorse badge proudly.

Movement in childhood promotes mental and physical development of each child. Children can make from an early romp and sport to concentrate better in school later, easier to learn reading and math. Anyone who stands still is not moving, joints and limbs atrophied muscles and a rust.

Movement is not just something for our children

Not only for our children it is important that they keep moving, and adults of all ages should take an example in the activities of children.

A lack of exercise is the cause of many diseases in adulthood:


    Back pain

    Cardiovascular diseases



    high blood pressure

    high cholesterol

    Joint pain

In other words: who moves regularly

    Strengthens the immune system

    strengthens his muscles

    strengthens the connective tissue

    Burn Fat

    reduces stress

    Strengthens the cardiovascular system

    prevents the Infarktriskio

    helps prevent the hardening of the arteries

    fortifies his lungs and

    increases its overall well-being

General health

Among adults, the signs of poor diet and physical inactivity are alarming! 40 to 60% of cases are attributable to physical inactivity and poor nutrition. 80% of people suffer from back pain.

Why is this so?

At work is the largest segment of the population according to a sedentary activity, done all the way comfortable with the car after work and can treat yourself to a relaxing evening on the couch, watching TV, and tasty treats herself, mostly fatty foods. Our society has become more convenient.

What is the solution?

Here, each doing something for his health. Movement can be easily integrated into everyday life:

    Take your bike and they often leave their cars.

    Climb stairs and give them a lift on the comfortable!

    Take a walk every day for half an hour!

    Do you do two to three times a week aerobic exercise (swimming, cycling, jogging, walking)

Create with your children and grandchildren an active leisure:

    Go to the pool together

    Go play football

    Visit Adventure Playgrounds

    Do you plan to hike or bike tours

    Go in winter sledding and ice rink

    Sign up together in a sports club

Overcome with your partner or family, the baser instincts and start in a new motion-rich, active and healthy life!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sleep is beneficial

Sleep is beneficial

Sleep is healthy and gives us the necessary strength and energy for the day. At night we rest while sleeping from the strenuous and often stressful life. Your body recovers during sleep. We sleep as it were healthy. The cells regenerate, detoxify the body. The brain processes the impressions of the night the day, and also regenerated. Growth hormone is secreted GH increased especially in the second half of the night and has an excellent anti-aging effect.

Enough sleep at night has a negative effect on the coronary vessels and promotes atherosclerosis. Adequate sleep also protects the heart. Our entire organism regenerates itself at night while we sleep soundly. An adult needs 6 to 8 hours uninterrupted sleep, so he is fit again the next morning and rested for another day.


If our sleep is disturbed or suffer permanent we sleep, our body can not recover during the night. The regeneration of the night is vital for our organism.

The consequences of insomnia are:

    Fatigue and exhaustion during the day
    Lack of concentration
    Tired skin, pallor, dark circles

Sleep disorders are prevalent in our society. Many people suffer from sleep or staying asleep.
Worry, anxiety, stress at work or a busy day can not be affected by the sleep or sleep. You lie awake for hours at night and can often out of sheer musings can not find the restful sleep. Some wake up at night quite often and need a longer time to fall asleep again firmly.

  Tips for Healthy Sleep
Who but a few valuable tips to heart, can find his well-earned sleep:

    Do not use nicotine and alcohol, because both are very inspiring. Who would not do without it, should give at least three hours before bedtime, alcohol, cigarettes and coffee on.

    Eat before going to bed no heavy foods.

    Just before bedtime, you should not do strenuous exercise.

    Provide a quiet and dark sleeping environment.

    Ventilate your bedroom before going to bed.

    Set down the heating - it is sleeping in a cool bedroom much better.

    Give up exciting movies before bedtime. Read prefer to switch off a light read.

    Make bedtime a relaxing bath. A bath essence of lavender soothes and relaxes the senses.

    Do you drink every day before going to bed one to two cups of valerian, hops, or herb tea.

    Where possible, always go to bed at the same time and place you go to bed only when you are really tired.

    Do not torture yourself in bed, if you still can not sleep, get up and prefer to make yourself a cup of herb tea - drink it in peace and try again.

  Spring fever
Blame for the spring fatigue is the weather change and the change of season.After the long, dark and cold winter, the power reserves of the body is used up and you get used to the slow transition from the dark to the lighter and warmer seasons.
But the spring fever, you can escape:

    Take a walk in the fresh air regularly.

    Soak up the sun and allow plenty of light and air into your home.

    Eat enough fruits and vegetables.

    Do you exercise: cycling, walking, hiking or jogging are ideal sports that you can exercise in the great outdoors.
You'll notice how quickly your body is fit and alert.

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