April 2012 | Tutorial Blog Tutorial Blog: April 2012


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Cara Membuat Animasi Status Loading

Untuk membuat status loading pada Blog yang berfungsi sebagai memberikan variasi agar lebih menarik dalam tampilan bagi pengunjung Blog sehingga pengunjung Blog tidak bosan menunggu pada saat loading dalam mengakses di Blog kita, berikut ini ada tahapan yang dapat Anda ikuti dalam membuat status Loading di Blog.

Tahap yang harus Anda lakukan adalah:

1. Login ke Akun kepunyaan Anda di Blogger.Com.
2. Klik Layout --> Edit HTML.
3. Tekan F3 di keyboard lalu Cari kode <body> di dalam template Anda, kemudian silahkan diganti kode             tanda <body> tadi  dengan kode  di bawah ini :

<body onLoad='init()'&gt<div id='loading' style='position:absolute; width:100%; text-align:center; top:300px;'> <img border='0' src='http://Alamat URLyang disimpan.Image'/></div><script src='http://h1.ripway.com/ichal13/preloader.js' type='text/javascript'/></script>

4. Simpan Template dan selesai.

 Keterangan :
>> Silahkan diganti alamat ULR yang berwarna  Merah dengan ULR tempat  Anda menyimpan gambar.                                                                                                                                                                      
>> Untuk posisi letak animasi lodingnya, Anda bisa mengganti  kode: "align   center" (tengah), "align right"
      (kanan), "align left"(kiri), bawah, atas, Menurut keingginan Anda.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Cara Membuat Label Kategori

Untuk membuat lable kategori pada pasilitas widget yang diberikan oleh Blogger tidaklah sulit karena Blogger membuat pasilitas widget ini untuk mempermudah bagi pengguna Blogger sebagai layanan customer servicenya, berikut dapat Anda ikuti cara membuatnya.

  1. Login ke Blogger 
  2. Pada halaman dashboard, klik Tata Letak 
  3. Klik Elemen Halaman 
  4. Kemudian pilih Tambah Gadget 
  5. Cari Label lalu di klik
  6. Lalu akan ada halaman seperti di bawah ini :
  7. Untuk Judul Anda sesuaikan sendiri, setelahnya klik simpan. 
  8. Untuk mengisi Label atau Kategori, pada saat Anda melakukan posting tulisan, silahkan isi kolom kosong dibawah kolom postingan dengan kategori yang Anda kehendaki, seperti ini contohnya :
  9. Dan juga menggunakan cara berikut, pada halaman edit entri --> Klik salah satu postingan Anda --> klik aksi label --> label baru, lalu isi dengan label yang Anda inginkan

Semoga berhasil....

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Natural Ways To Lower Blood Pressure

Natural ways to lower blood pressure

Changing lifestyles and  consumption of dietary   supplements   can lower blood   pressure as effectively as potentially dangerous pharmaceuticals!

Sometimes a person with  knowledge of the existence of a drug begins to automatically think that this medicine is   necessary for   him to solve the problems. Who would take drugs if people think otherwise, is not it?

However,  there are many common   health   problems to be solved without the use of drugs, and the results are much more likely   to  be positive   (not negative) "side effects" in the form of the tide of vitality, energy, and improve health.

High blood pressure, also known as    hypertension,   is  one   of the health problems are often solved by using natural remedies. Hypertension   is often  called the "silent killer" because it sneaks up on you without any noticeable symptoms, putting  at risk of    heart disease, kidney   disease or stroke. Studies have shown that hypertension can be controlled    without using   pharmaceuticals.    Even if you need to take drugs against blood pressure, lifestyle   changes can contribute   to   better their   operation, to reduce or even negate your need for them. If you  are taking medication,     tell   your doctor what other steps you take, and he or she is regularly watching you will track your progress and adjust therapy.

Simple effort on   your   part   can lead to a  significant   reduction in blood pressure. Even a small reduction of systolic (top)    pressure   are    considered  valuable. The estimated drop in systolic blood pressure by only two points reduces the death rate from stroke by 6% and from coronary artery disease by 4%.

Below - 12 simple tips, following which you can lower your blood pressure naturally:

1. Follow a  special   diet  DASH. DASH (DASH -  Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, - a dietary approach to stop hypertension) - a die t rich   in fruits,   vegetables and   low-fat dairy products, low fat, red meat, sweets and sugary drinks. Following this plan,   you can drop   your    systolic blood pressure by 8-14 points. Moreover, some studies have shown   that this   approach    may be even more effective than some drugs to combat hypertension.

2. Lose weight. Of course,   we understand that it    can be difficult.   But in this   lies the greatest strength. It is estimated that you can lower the   rate of pressure by 5-20    points   for every 22 pounds (approx. 10 kg) weight loss. Even the   loss   of   5   pounds (approx. 2.3 kg) of weight can be useful. Plus: losing weight can add years to you life.

3. Limit sodium intake to 2,400 mg, and you subtract 8-2 points.

4. Exercise 5-7 days   a   week for 30 minutes and you can lose even 4-9 points.

5. Limit   alcohol   to 2 drinks per day for men and one for    women and you can remove 2-4 points.

6. Get  a  good   night's sleep.   Lack   of sleep may   contribute to hypertension.

7. Limit the  amount  of stress. It can raise blood pressure and eventually help to stabilize blood pressure. Find ways to relax.

8. Get   enough   potassium in   the abundance of eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, dairy products and fish.

9. Get enough   calcium. Take calcium  supplements   to   make sure that you get 1,000  mg  a  day  if  you are  younger  than 50 years, and 1,200 mg if you're over 50.

10. Get at least  500 mg of  vitamin  C daily. Vitamin C can  act as well  as some recommended to lower blood pressure drugs are long acting.  In one study,   blood   pressure in   patients decreased by an average of 9% in a month. If you have your   blood   pressure   is   normal,   vitamin C, it will have no effect.

11. Get    adequate  amounts   of   omega-3 fatty    acids   from   eating   oily fish or fish oil of high quality (not contaminated with mercury.)   A   study in   Japan   showed   that   men   with    the highest intake of omega-3  had    the   lowest   blood pressure.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Green Tea - The Health Tea

Green Tea - The Health Tea

Green tea is almost a miracle drink and a leader among the teas. The green tea are attributed to many positive health benefits. But what makes green tea so effective?

In green tea contains many ingredients that have strong beneficial effects on our health. Sun green tea is very rich in vitamin C and in the following vitamins: vitamin B2, D, K and P. In addition, green tea contains essential minerals and trace elements: fluorine, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron.

Through the careful preparation process, which consists only of clean and slow drying, all valuable ingredients of green tea and will be damaged or diminished.

Green tea should be drunk regularly and abundantly, the only way to develop his strength and positive effect on the body. Green Tea has a pleasantly stimulating and well tolerated.

Green tea helps prevent these diseases and supports the healing process:
CariesDue to its antibacterial effect and the amount of fluoride green tea can help prevent tooth decay.

Due to its catechin ingredients and vitamin C, green tea has also opposed the development of certain cancers, such as stomach cancer. The combination of catechins and vitamin C could be successfully reduced the formation of cancer, says the Japanese Genetics Research Center.


By the regular consumption of green tea in the hardening of the arteries is prevented. The in green tea containing vitamins B2, K and P ensure that the blood vessel walls remain smooth. Thus, the danger of circulatory problems and strokes is reduced.

High blood pressure

In connection with the positive effect on blood vessel walls affects green tea substances in the blood, causing high blood pressure. With the regular intake of green tea has a regulating effect on blood pressure.

Skin aging

Due to its high content of vitamin C, green tea is as a fighter of free radicals. Free radicals are the cause of skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles.

With regular consumption of green tea boosts the immune system, lowers high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, helps prevent premature skin aging and also helps prevent age-related diseases. Green tea is beneficial to the healing process, improves the general condition and has a preventive effect against various diseases. Green tea is thus entirely positive impact on our health and well-being.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Dark stripe on the abdomen in pregnancy


The characteristic  features of the later  stages of pregnancy is not only a big tummy, legs and a dark stripe on the  abdomen and  navel in pregnancy.
Many pregnant  women suffer  from the appearance of pigment dark stripes on the abdomen. In most cases, it begins to appear    closer to the 7th month of pregnancy when the belly is rounded. This is connected with the work of hormones. This band is no reason to worry, and do not try in any way to influence it, because after you give birth a baby, hormones returned to  normal, and she will pass on its own after a few months. But there is also such that it does not disappear as quickly as we would like. Some  women wait  several years until the color of   the skin on the  abdomen will be uniform. It takes time,  no more advice to give here is impossible, because other ways of getting rid of pigmented stripes occurring during pregnancy, no.
In addition to dark bands on the abdomen in pregnant women may appear hair. No specific date of occurrence of these features, in each case, it is individually. Some hormonal line appears from the first month of pregnancy, and someone she can appear after the birth or did not appear at all. But most of the dark stripe on the abdomen there is still the last months of pregnancy. Apart from the fact that the dark stripes on the abdomen during pregnancy appear at different times, they also appear in different places. Some women are strips, starting from the navel, and lower in others it can pass through the stomach.
Some say that if there was a dark belly band,  it means that a boy, and if the strip is not - there will be a girl. But it is a myth, as is proved that the  appearance of stripes on the abdomen does not depend on sex baby.
Another unusual item that appears on the TV moms of the future, it's navel. Very often, at different stages of pregnancy belly begins to protrude. This arises from the fact that the baby grows in the belly, and if it is not enough space, but it begins to push the stomach out. Do not worry about it, because after birth the navel must be the same as before the birth. And do not assume that the protruding belly button - it's ugly. Nothing in it is not terrible, it's very cute and funny.
If you have a pre-pregnancy body piercing in the navel, by the end of the second trimester is recommended to be removed and  replaced by a ring of large  size, on a piece of fishing line, or simply insert a silk thread to a puncture could not overgrown. Thus, as far as how to grow a tummy, you will not hurt your stomach.
During pregnancy is not  recommended to make new holes in his body, or tattoos, since the body of pregnant women more prone to bleeding and infection.
Often with an increase in stomach during pregnancy may experience pain in the navel. This happens because of the stretching of the skin around the navel or weakness of the  abdominal muscles. In rare cases, pain can be caused by an inflamed  appendicitis, due to the growth of the uterus,  displacing it. In this case, the pain may be in the right side or right upper quadrant. But you should know that the pain may occur when intestinal infection. In this case, the pain will be  accompanied by nausea, diarrhea,   vomiting and fever. It is not necessary in this case to  delay treatment as soon as possible to call a doctor. In addition, the reason for the emergence of  severe pain in the navel may be associated with the appearance of an umbilical hernia. In this case, pain is also  accompanied by nausea, vomiting, a delay of gas and stool, rapid pulse. Umbilical hernia can be identified by dense rounded  education, which is formed in it. In this case, too, should seek emergency medical attention.
During   pregnancy,      to avoid  any such problems,  you need to keep  track of how  the intestine, preventing occurrence of   constipation.   It is also  recommended to wear a tie, and     necessarily occur during pregnancy with your doctor.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fit for Spring

Fit for Spring

Do you feel tired and exhausted winter? Then use the energy of spring itself. The first warming rays of the sun awaken not only nature, even to us humans, they have an extremely positive. Have we in the winter often felt tired, so we are the sun lost energy back. Spring is the best time to take advantage of these fresh energies positively.

Go as often as possible, in the nature and feel the warm sun on your skin. Your entire metabolism is stimulated by regular walks in the countryside - your skin is well supplied with blood and gets a fresh and healthy expression.

In particular, our skin has suffered over the winter period. Cold and dry, heated air from outside into the interior spaces have disturbed the delicate skin, so it is dry and sometimes even red. Give your skin the moisture is lacking. Treat yourself once a week exfoliate from almond meal and carry on after every shower or bath generously moisturizing lotions. You will see how much has our winter worn skin a little extra care needed.

Of course, you can contribute to a balanced diet is very much to make you feel fit and your skin looks fresh and vital. Start your day with a healthy breakfast. Cereal, yogurt with fresh fruit, whole grain bread with low fat cheese or sausage, and fresh juices should be on their daily diet. Eat five servings throughout the day, green, yellow and red fruits and vegetables and drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water or unsweetened tea.

Avoid fatty foods and to reduce the consumption of coffee, cigarettes and alcohol.

Of course a certain amount of sport is essential. Go swimming three times a week or log on at a gym. It is important to:

Exercise regularly and do a sport that you also really fun, and do not overdo it: Excessive sport is just as unhealthy for your body, how to do no exercise.

So leave the winter and the weary spirits behind. Use the power of spring, for themselves and they start with exercise, healthy diet and intense personal care vital and healthy in the summer time.

Current health tips:
Menopause - the change in the lives of women as the cold season begins fill up with the sun vitamin D with kneipp showers strengthen the immune system sauna strengthens the immune system Hiking - the outdoor health training Salt - less is more!Movement is everything!Green Tea - The Health TeaOmega-3 fatty acids and their effect on our health Sunlight is necessary but also dangerous Anti-aging from the Japanese Kitchen Fit for Spring Food according to TCM Sleep is beneficial Water - our life

Diet For Pregnant Women


Pregnancy for women is the happiness, the greatest gift that can only give nature. But in anticipation of a child, and applied a certain number of important points, one of which is the birth of a healthy and strong child. And it needs proper nutrition to the observance of pregnancy. Being overweight contributes to many human health problems, and the presence of excess weight during pregnancy can result in the appearance of complications, not only for the woman, but the baby, which to be born. To the child received all the necessary vitamins, so that he could feel comfortable in my mother's tummy, you need a specific diet for pregnant women.

General information about the diet of pregnant women

During pregnancy, the diet does not imply any drastic dietary restrictions or fasting, harmful to the body. In contrast, the diet is recommended for pregnant women to eat small meals 4-5 times a day. Food should be varied. Ideally, the table consisted of three courses. It should give preference to eat fruits, vegetables, herbs and foods rich in protein. As such it is recommended caloric distribution of food: a breakfast should account for 30% of the amount of daily calories for lunch - 40%, and for dinner - only 10%. Provide additional meals: lunch and afternoon tea, which accounts for 10% of daily calories. Dinner is recommended to plan for 2-3 hours before bedtime. Products in this should be digestible (eg, yogurt, cottage cheese, yogurt).

Breakfast is recommended at least an hour after awakening. Under the diet for pregnant women for every day it should be understood that it is worth to use boiled, steamed and baked dishes. Diet for pregnant women also implies that food intake should be moderate. The main principle of the diet for pregnant women - is natural. You should try to eat only organic foods. It should be included in the diet of fruits, juices, fruits, preferred vegetables, honey, skim milk and milk products, porridges made from whole grains, nuts, fish, meat, bread with whole grains, legumes, and eggs. Vegetables and fruits should try to eat raw. From the diet it is advisable not fried, it is recommended to eat dishes, baked in the oven. If the product prior to cooking wrap in foil, then you will be able to maintain the maximum benefit. In the diet should include whole foods: recommended intake of fruits with a peel and grains (a grain of dried apricots, apples from seed), raisins, honey, bread with whole grain and potatoes, etc. is recommended to bake in the husk.

Should limit their salt intake to 5 of 6 grams per day. It is also desirable to the complete exclusion of strong spices and condiments, fast food, mushrooms, spicy and salty snacks, good coffee, chocolate and tea.

View the daily diet of pregnant women

In the diet during pregnancy should contain 100-120 grams of protein, 70-90 grams of which are of animal origin (fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, fish, lean meat, eggs, etc.), 80-100 grams of fat, 20 grams of which must be of vegetable origin, in the first half of pregnancy up to 300-400 grams of carbohydrates consumed in recent months, the amount should not exceed 300 grams; 1-1.5 liters of water in its purest form, and daily dose of a multivitamin preparation.

It is recommended during pregnancy to replace all the dishes prepared from wheat flour, the corn bread. Milk should be used only in the acid form (yogurt, buttermilk, etc.). Every day should eat 100 grams of cottage cheese. Pork, veal, beef should be replaced with seafood, fish, heart, kidneys, liver, liver sausage. In the presence of peripheral edema (hands and feet), or excessive weight gain is recommended to eat boiled meat, if the burgers - it's best to cook for a couple, as this preparation can reduce thirst. In the absence of such problems, and you can eat grilled meat. Not recommended to eat 1-2 times a week poultry. It is advisable to eat every day an egg, cooked "in the bag," two kinds of raw vegetables, 5-6 pieces of walnuts or other nuts. Fruits contain the necessary amount of acid. If you have any aversion to them to meet the needs of the body in acid, it is recommended to drink in the morning the solution of apple cider vinegar 1 tsp 1 st. Water in the morning, which helps relieve nausea. The menu diet for pregnant should include lemon juice or grapefruit. In the case of individual intolerance, it can be replaced by a fresh grape, apple or cranberry juice without added sugar in them. If you wish to sweeten it is better to add honey.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hiking - the outdoor health training

Hiking - the outdoor health training

Hiking can be much more than a long "walk" through the countryside. Hikers will have fallen on the new hiking. Hiking is a new form of health training particularly for older people are a great sport.

What differs from the normal health Hiking

When one begins to health Hiking hiking with exercises to warm up and conclude the hike with relaxation exercises. Similarly, then, as you know it already from jogging or Nordic walking. For the health aspect, regularity and length of the hiking trails important. It is recommended three times per week for one to two hours to hike. Depending on fitness, the courses should the fitness level of the hikers will be adapted by straight lines to hills and some steep sections. Health Hiking is for all ages. Requirement should be that you are on foot.

Health aspects of health walking

Those who exercise regularly in the fresh air, strengthens the immune system. Who migrates, moves out to relax, get some fresh air and strengthens his heart and circulatory system. Health walking strengthens muscles and strengthens the veins. The Health Hiking stimulates the metabolism and thus promotes the burning of fat. Hiking affects the whole organism is extremely positive. Apart from the health aspect of the encourages walking and socializing does the mind good. Age Depression have so little chance.

Step by step

Hikers often should begin with small hiking trails. For starters, ranging from shorter distances. Three times a week for 30 to 45 minutes are an ideal introduction, since the untrained body must gradually get used to the new movement. Before each walk are common exercises done to loosen the muscles.

The equipment

Good footwear is particularly important for the traveler. In the trade there is a good selection of hiking shoes. Be appropriately selected depending on the weather also has the clothing. The best way is breathable clothing that is resistant to rain and wind protection. In the summer should be taken to a mosquito and tick protection. Well protected: A hat is a useful all year round protection against sun, wind and cold.

The trails plan well

Please do not simply go out running. The walking routes must be planned carefully before each tour. For each region, you can buy maps. A trail map should not be missing in their luggage, just enough to drink (apple spritzer or sparkling water) and bananas, nuts and grape sugar. For the safety of a small first aid kit and allowed the phone missing on any hiking trip. Anyone who wanders alone should think in any case to his cell phone and give advance notice of when and where he wants to run along.

Those who heeded all the advice, will have the new health hiking very much.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Cara Membuat Slideshow dengan jQuery

Cara membuat slideshow di Blogspot dengan Javascript jQuery khususnya pada HTML dan CSS ditemplate blogspot. karena kita ketahui pasilitas penunjang di blogspot kita hanya coding HTML dan style CSS saja (tanpa PHP) dan berikut ini ada sedikit trikjavascript jQuery untuk mempercantik custom template Blogspot kita..

Costum template Blogspot

Hal hal pertama yang harus diperhatikan adalah:
  1. Untuk diperhatikan, Sebelum melakukan trik ini ada baiknya Anda melakukan Back up template blogspot terlebih dahulu
  2. Siapkan juga hosting pihak ke dua untuk menyimpan file-file template seperti gambar yang akan di costum nantinya. Anda bisa menggunakan hosting gratisan untuk file foto/ gambar seperti photobucket, disarankan untuk mengunakan situs picasa saja karena sudah karena Picasa masih kepunyaan dari Group Google juga.
  3. Mulai bekerja dengan tag xhtml

    Pasang slide show javascript jquery

  1. Pada Dashboard, masuk menu template lalu pilih edit HTML
  2. Klik expand template widget
  3. Cari kode </head>  (gunakan ctrl+F untuk mempermudah pencarian) lalu pastekan Javascript jQuery  code dibawah ini, tepat sebelum code  </head>
    <script src=’https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.2/jquery.min.js’ type=’text/javascript’/>
    <script src= ‘http://inflashover-gallery.googlecode.com/files/jquery-func.js’  type=’text/javascript’/>
    <script src=’http://inflashover-gallery.googlecode.com/files/jquery.jcarousel.pack.js’  type=’text/javascript’/>
  4. Cari kode ]]></b:skin> (gunakan ctrl+F untuk mempermudah pencarian) lalu pastekan CSS code dibawah ini, tepat sebelum code  ]]></b:skin>
    Slider Section
    #slider { height:190px; position:relative; overflow:hidden; }
    #slider-holder { width:430px; height:190px; position:relative; overflow:hidden; }
    #slider-holder .jcarousel-clip{ width:430px; height:190px; position:relative; overflow:hidden; }
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    #slider-nav a.active { background:#3399CC;}
  5. Save template
  6. Selanjutnya masuk panel widget, untuk menampilkan slide show tersebut
  7. Pilih add new widget, pilih HTML/ Javascript
  8. Lalu pastekan code dibawah ini pada widget tersebut
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