The characteristic features of the later stages of pregnancy is not only a big tummy, legs and a dark stripe on the abdomen and navel in pregnancy.
Many pregnant women suffer from the appearance of pigment dark stripes on the abdomen. In most cases, it begins to appear closer to the 7th month of pregnancy when the belly is rounded. This is connected with the work of hormones. This band is no reason to worry, and do not try in any way to influence it, because after you give birth a baby, hormones returned to normal, and she will pass on its own after a few months. But there is also such that it does not disappear as quickly as we would like. Some women wait several years until the color of the skin on the abdomen will be uniform. It takes time, no more advice to give here is impossible, because other ways of getting rid of pigmented stripes occurring during pregnancy, no.
In addition to dark bands on the abdomen in pregnant women may appear hair. No specific date of occurrence of these features, in each case, it is individually. Some hormonal line appears from the first month of pregnancy, and someone she can appear after the birth or did not appear at all. But most of the dark stripe on the abdomen there is still the last months of pregnancy. Apart from the fact that the dark stripes on the abdomen during pregnancy appear at different times, they also appear in different places. Some women are strips, starting from the navel, and lower in others it can pass through the stomach.
Some say that if there was a dark belly band, it means that a boy, and if the strip is not - there will be a girl. But it is a myth, as is proved that the appearance of stripes on the abdomen does not depend on sex baby.
Another unusual item that appears on the TV moms of the future, it's navel. Very often, at different stages of pregnancy belly begins to protrude. This arises from the fact that the baby grows in the belly, and if it is not enough space, but it begins to push the stomach out. Do not worry about it, because after birth the navel must be the same as before the birth. And do not assume that the protruding belly button - it's ugly. Nothing in it is not terrible, it's very cute and funny.
If you have a pre-pregnancy body piercing in the navel, by the end of the second trimester is recommended to be removed and replaced by a ring of large size, on a piece of fishing line, or simply insert a silk thread to a puncture could not overgrown. Thus, as far as how to grow a tummy, you will not hurt your stomach.
During pregnancy is not recommended to make new holes in his body, or tattoos, since the body of pregnant women more prone to bleeding and infection.
Often with an increase in stomach during pregnancy may experience pain in the navel. This happens because of the stretching of the skin around the navel or weakness of the abdominal muscles. In rare cases, pain can be caused by an inflamed appendicitis, due to the growth of the uterus, displacing it. In this case, the pain may be in the right side or right upper quadrant. But you should know that the pain may occur when intestinal infection. In this case, the pain will be accompanied by nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and fever. It is not necessary in this case to delay treatment as soon as possible to call a doctor. In addition, the reason for the emergence of severe pain in the navel may be associated with the appearance of an umbilical hernia. In this case, pain is also accompanied by nausea, vomiting, a delay of gas and stool, rapid pulse. Umbilical hernia can be identified by dense rounded education, which is formed in it. In this case, too, should seek emergency medical attention.
During pregnancy, to avoid any such problems, you need to keep track of how the intestine, preventing occurrence of constipation. It is also recommended to wear a tie, and necessarily occur during pregnancy with your doctor.