March 2012 | Tutorial Blog Tutorial Blog: March 2012


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cara Membuat Tombol Spoiler (Show/Hide)

Tombol / Button Spoiler yang berguna untuk menyembunyikan postingan atau widget maupun gambar yang terlalu panjang ke bawah, selain itu juga dapat berfungsi membuat Url menjadi none aktif jika Url suatu Situs diletakan di Area Tombol Spoiler, sehingga akan mempersingkat/menghemat area postingan pada Artikel Anda. dan kegunaan lainnya Tombol Spoiler dapat meringankan beban pada saat loading di suatu blog/website. yang cara kerjanya jika Tombol Show  di Klik maka secara automatis Blog akan menampilkan semua postingan, widget, maupun Gambar yang diletakan di dalam Area pada Tombol Spoiler, lalu jika Anda klik tombol Hide  maka tampilan postingan, widget maupun Gambar akan menutup kembali. ada beberapa langkah bagaimana Cara Membuat Tombol Spoiler (Show-Hide) pada postingan maupun pada widget sidebar. Kodenya adalah sebagai berikut :

<div><div style="margin-bottom: 2px;"><b><small>Klik Button / Tomboldibawah ini</small></b>
<input value="Show" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 60px; font-size: 10px;" onclick="if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display != '') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = ''; this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Hide'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Show'; }" type="button"></div>
<div style="border: 1px inset; margin: 0px; padding: 6px;"><div style="display: none;"> 
"Masukan Gambar, widget/script, postingan Sobat disini"

Hasilnya akan terlihat seperti contoh ini:
Klik Button / Tomboldibawah ini

"Letakan Gambar, widget postingan Anda disini"


-Kemudian ganti kalimat yang berwarna   Merah  dan Biru  menurut keinginan Anda.
-Untuk kalimat yang berwarna   Hijau   Anda dapat menghapus kemudian menggantinya dengan Isi postingan, Gambar maupun kode script widget yang di inginkan. jangan lupa di Save/Simpan.. lalu terbitkan entri......Selesai...
Bagaimana..? mudahkan cara membuatnya... Selamat mencoba.... Happy blogging...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cara Membuat Menu Dropdown di Blogspot

Ada beberapa alasan kenapa kita harus membuat Menu dropdown tanya kenapa?? heheee...  jelas saja fungsinya untuk menghemat tempat di blog kita. tapi jangan khawatir , caranya sangat Simple , walaupun untuk yang masih pemula, Kita pasti bisa melakukan ini, berikut cara membuat dropdown sub menu di blogspot :

1. Seperti biasa log in ke akun blogger Anda.
2. Lalu pilih design.
3. Pilih add gadget.
4. Kemudian silahkanp pilih HTML/Javascript.
5. Setelah itu Silahkan Anda Copy paste kode dibawah ini ke kotakHTML/Javascript tadi. 

<form><select name="menu"
<option value="">Tutorialplan Blog</option>
<option value="">belajarblog</option>
<option value="">nama facebook Anda</option>

Untuk Kode yang berwarna Merah silahkan diganti dengan keinginan Anda, dan tempat letaknya bisa diletakan juga di bagian Edit HTML, tergantung keinginan Anda.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sunlight is necessary but also dangerous

Humans need sunlight, just like the air we breathe. Sunlight improves our well being and stimulates metabolism. But not only our psychological well-being depends on the sunlight, our body is dependent on the sun's rays. Without sunlight, the body can not make vitamin D. Vitamin D is important for bone metabolism and is responsible for the development of bones and teeth.

Through the skin, sunlight is absorbed and converted in the body into vitamin D.

Unfortunately, the sunlight also poses dangers for us. Because sunlight contains ultraviolet rays. These UV rays can damage our skin and cause sunburn. The skin reacts to the protection of the UV radiation with an increased production of pigments, and also with DNA repair mechanisms. If the skin is exposed to the sun unprotected for too long, then the repair mechanism fails, and the cells can be destroyed or degenerate. The consequence is: skin cancer. Therefore it is important to protect the skin from strong sunlight.

The spring sun can not be underestimated, it is sometimes so strong that it can cause a sunburn.

Before each sunbathing has a sunscreen can be applied to the skin. The skin is protected and maintained. However, the effect of a sunscreen should not be overestimated. Even with a sunscreen, one should not expose to direct sunlight permanently.
Experts recommend to protect our skin no more than 50 tanning sessions per year.

Especially children must be protected from sunburn. Children under one year should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Every sunburn increases the risk of developing skin cancer. Each time the sun rises formation of dark spots on the skin. The more pigment spots caused by sun exposure have been caused to the skin, the higher the risk of developing skin cancer.

Even a rapid aging of the skin is a result of too much sun exposure. Each sun dries out the skin, the skin will wrinkle faster and looks "old" from. Who wants a long "young" look, should reduce the number of sunbathing in the year as well.

Anti-aging from the Japanese Cooking

Anti-aging from the Japanese Kitchen

The Japanese cuisine includes many foods that have a positive impact on our health while delivering an anti-aging effect. Especially green tea, seaweed, rice, seaweed and sushi are also valuable food of Japanese cuisine and contribute to a healthy diet and a youthful appearance.

Supplement your diet with foods of Japanese cuisine. Drink two to three daily cups of green tea and eat once or twice a week sushi.

Green tea is rich in zinc and vitamin C. Zinc and Vitamin C strengthens our immune system and have a positive effect on our skin. Green tea fights free radicals and protects our skin from premature skin aging. Green tea also has antibiotic and anti-inflammatory effect and keeps our gut flora in balance. A healthy intestinal flora, strengthens our immune system. Green tea as an ingredient in cosmetic skin care for dry and damaged skin can look healthy again.

Sushi: Sushi is low in fat and very low-calorie meal. Sushi is due to the fish rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Rice has nutritious and contains important amino acids. Rice has a ausschwemmende effect. Algae are rich in magnesium, potassium and iron. Also contains taurine sushi. Taurine counteracts the hardening of the arteries. In combination with fish, sushi rice and seaweed is a true anti-aging miracle.

Kelp contains many vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Seaweed has tonic and when taken regularly, it lowers blood pressure, prevent arthritis, strengthens the heart and reduces obesity.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

How can I perceive and avoid dehydration?

During pregnancy you should drink at least six to eight glasses of fluid a day (about 1.7 liters). They go well fruit juices, but they can contain many calories. Beverages containing caffeine such as coffee, cola and tea should not be

taken because they act as diuretics - they make you urinate more and thus lose much more water. If you do not like drinking plain water, try adding a few drops of lemon or lime, or a little 'juice. If you are unsure of how much water you drink a day, try to take with you a two-liter bottle and finish it by the end of the day.

If you travel abroad, remember that airplane air is very dry and can become dehydrated. The warm climate and / or wet on vacation can make you sweat a lot, so watch for signs of dehydration: dry nose and throat, very dark urine.

Always carry a water bottle and drink regularly. In addition to avoiding dehydration, water helps to bring nutrients to the baby through the blood. It also helps prevent urinary tract infections, constipation and hemorrhoids, all very common disorders in pregnancy. If you suffer from water retention, remember that the more water you drink the less your body will retain.

Water is good for healthy

Water - our life

The man is 60 to 70% water. Without water there can not man. After more than four days without hydration would die man. Water, making it the elixir of life. Our entire body needs water. The metabolism works only if we drink enough. Only through adequate fluid intake, the body and its cells are perfused and oxygenated. An adequate supply of oxygen is essential for all organs and of course for our brain. Only a well-perfused brain can bring its full power.

A glass of mineral water Sohler A glass of mineral water

We should daily take about 2 to 2.5 liters of liquid. We take part in the diet. At the 1.5 to 2 liters of beverages we take on. About as much of the body excretes back out of liquids every day, so it is important that we drink a lot and thus make our body's lost fluids again. It is best suited for is water. Regardless of whether tap water or bottled water - water is our source of life and the healthiest liquid, is that we can eat.

We drink too much, it comes to health problems. For example, headaches, nausea, fever, fatigue and constipation be a result of dehydration. Also, the electrolyte balance is disturbed. Dehydration is also noticeable on the skin: The skin is pale, brittle and flaky.

Especially on hot days and when we exercise, we should drink very much, because by the sweating of the body excretes more water. Even with fever or diarrhea your body needs more fluid.

People who regularly drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water, not only clears his thirst - drinking water is much more:
- Drink water supports the detoxification and cleansing our body.- Drinking water keeps the mind fit.- Drinking water makes you beautiful, because our skin thrives on fresh water that we drink every day.

Drinking water is an important aspect of anti-aging:

We drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water every day, the cells are adequately supplied with water. The skin is well supplied with blood and becomes firm, smooth and bright. We drink plenty of fresh water every day, we give our skin the moisture it needs from the inside and our skin looks healthy, youthful and vital.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Omega 3 fatty acids in our diet

Omega 3 fatty acids

In the omega-3 fatty acids are unsaturated fatty acids. They are among the essential fatty acids that the body itself can be made​​.

Omega-3 fatty acids in various oils (A-linolenic acid, linseed oil, walnut oil, canola oil) and fish (mackerel, salmon, tuna and sardines) contain. Thus we take omega-3 fatty acids from food to us.

   Omega-3 fatty acids and their effect on our health

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce blood fats and protect the heart. Heart patients even get the omega-3 fatty acids than high doses of drug prescribed after heart surgery.

During pregnancy, omega-3 fatty acids important for the development of the embryo.

Furthermore, the fatty acids strengthen the brain and vision. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory and cholesterol levels and reduce the bend in front of premature atherosclerosis. Omega-3 fatty acids have a very positive impact on our health.

   Omega-3 fatty acids in our diet

Of omega-3 fatty acid capsules is not recommended because the benefits are not scientifically sufficient resolved, and the natural demand may already be covered easily through food. Just as is the situation with food, which omega-3 fatty acids has been added. A surfeit of omega-3 fatty acids affect health hazard, weaken the immune system in older people and increase the risk of bleeding.

Experts recommend eating fish twice a week, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. For the preparation of salads and dishes should only omega-3 fatty acid-containing oils. Also found in walnuts or lamb's lettuce is Omega-3 contain. This is quite sufficient to meet our needs - more omega-3 fatty acids needed for humans.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

how to lose weight quickly and effectively

We all want to look better. Losing weight can be stressful, it takes commitment and good excersize to the results we want. Check out these tips for some quick weight loss
You will need:
some new clothes to fit in

1. Be sure to drink a lot. . the water. In fact, I would switch to drinking only water. This cuts the sugar in sodas and other juices and teas.
2. Take away any extra snacks. Snacking between meals can make the difference between adding a few pounds in a week. Keep away from this.
3. Eat smaller portions of food frequently throughout the day. This will help with all problems and hunger will help keep your energy level. If our energy and metabolism up, losing weight is much easier.
4. Faster run and walk more. This will help your metabolism level. Keep a steady fast pace when you walk and this will help you burn more fat easier.
5. Make sure you eat a nice healthy breakfast every morning. This is important for getting your energy level will be the first in the day.
6. Add lots of fruits and vegetables to your meal. These are important in keeping a healthy balance of food. We tend to neglect when we eat these foods.
7. Become more active. Take any form of sport activities such as basketball or football, and try to do some bikes and go swimming anymore. Actively let you have fun to lose, while the pounds.
Tips and Warnings

Get a partner to go along with you if you're planning a diet. This will help keep you motivated both easier if you both stick to what you intend to reach.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Cara Membuat Readmore Automatis

Cara membuat readmore di blogspot dengan cara yang mudah dan cepat di blog, sebelumnya saya  akan menjelaskan sedikit tentang kegunaan readmore pada blog. dengan adanya readmore blog dapat menghemat ruang pada tampilan Blog kita. membuat tampilannya menjadi dinamis atau lebih enak dilihat, karena tampilan artikel/postingan tidak terlalu memanjang ke bawah.
Berikut cara memasang readmore di blogspot :
-Login ke blogger dengan ID Anda.
-Pilih Rancangan atau Tata Letak.
-Pilih Edit HTML
-Klik tulisan "expand template widget".
-Lalu cari kode </head> :   untuk mempermudah pencarian tekan F3.
-Lalu masukkan code di bawah ini tepat di atas  </head>
<script type='text/javascript'> var thumbnail_mode = &quot;no-float&quot; ; summary_noimg = 300; summary_img = 300; img_thumb_height = 120; img_thumb_width = 120; </script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function removeHtmlTag(strx,chop){
var s = strx.split("<");
for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++){
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strx = s.join("");
chop = (chop < strx.length-1) ? chop : strx.length-2;
while(strx.charAt(chop-1)!=' ' && strx.indexOf(' ',chop)!=-1) chop++;
strx = strx.substring(0,chop-1);
return strx+'...';
function createSummaryAndThumb(pID){
var div = document.getElementById(pID);
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var img = div.getElementsByTagName("img");
var summ = summary_noimg;
if(img.length>=1) {
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summ = summary_img;
var summary = imgtag + '<div>' + removeHtmlTag(div.innerHTML,summ) + '</div>';
div.innerHTML = summary;
Kemudian cari kode <data:post.body/>
Ganti kode <data:post.body/>  dengan kode di bawah ini :
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
<div expr:id='&quot;summary&quot; +'><data:post.body/></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>createSummaryAndThumb(&quot;summary<>&quot;);
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<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><data:post.body/>
Kemudian Save Template.
untuk keterangan pada  readmorenya...
var thumbnail_mode = "float";: Letak thumbnail berada di “float” kiri atau jika tidak silahkan ganti dengan “no-float”;

summary_noimg = 300;: Jumlah karakter yang akan ditampilkan di posting tanpa gambar / thumbnail;
summary_img = 300;: Jumlah karakter yang akan ditampilkan di posting dengan gambar / thumbnail;
img_thumb_height = 120;: Tinggi thumbnail dalam ukuran pixel;
img_thumb_width = 120;: Lebar thumbnail dalam ukuran pixel;
Tulisan readmore dapat Anda ganti Seumpama diganti dengan “Baca Selengkapnya”demikianlah penjelasan mengenai cara cepat membuat readmore otomatis.
Selamat mencoba...........
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