During pregnancy you should drink at least six to eight glasses of fluid a day (about 1.7 liters). They go well fruit juices, but they can contain many calories. Beverages containing caffeine such as coffee, cola and tea should not be
taken because they act as diuretics - they make you urinate more and thus lose much more water. If you do not like drinking plain water, try adding a few drops of lemon or lime, or a little 'juice. If you are unsure of how much water you drink a day, try to take with you a two-liter bottle and finish it by the end of the day.
If you travel abroad, remember that airplane air is very dry and can become dehydrated. The warm climate and / or wet on vacation can make you sweat a lot, so watch for signs of dehydration: dry nose and throat, very dark urine.
Always carry a water bottle and drink regularly. In addition to avoiding dehydration, water helps to bring nutrients to the baby through the blood. It also helps prevent urinary tract infections, constipation and hemorrhoids, all very common disorders in pregnancy. If you suffer from water retention, remember that the more water you drink the less your body will retain.