With Kneipp showers strengthen the immune system
Every day is new, we get people in contact with pathogens. Be it in the workplace, on public transport or just at the supermarket. Bacteria and viruses surround us and ask for the functioning of our immune system, otherwise there is a risk of infection and we fall ill.
The performance of the immune system
The role of the immune system is to protect us from disease. The immune system acts as the police in our body. Cells recognize and destroy harmful visitors. This system is extended throughout the human body defends itself against the pests. With him stands or falls, whether sick or healthy, we can go through life.
If the system is weak
But a well-functioning immune system is not self-evident. It must also, to some degree be trained. A healthy diet and exercise in the fresh air and a waiver of this important beverage training system. If this is not the case, we get a receipt for this relatively quickly presented. Particularly colds do then wide in the weakened body. Usually one takes from this point on drugs in order to become the uninvited guests are Lord. It would be correct, however, if one were to begin before the disease by strengthening the immune system. What opportunities does it but claim?
Training for the immune system
Sebastian Kneipp was concerned with this issue. He promised himself a great deal of resilience of the human body. The countless success gave his legal theories and made of many ailing people already an active healthy again. Kneipp's water showers with regular use can bring back a limp immune system on its feet. For him, "Resilience," the magic word. His special fonts have the effect that the immune system is built up and strengthened.
His methods have been studied scientifically to measure the effectiveness. At the University of Jena have been away for 10 weeks, patients treated with coldness by Sebastian Kneipp, washes and showers. The result was Sebastian Kneipp law. The important Lymphotzyten increased in the patients by 13% and decreased infections in patients with impaired lung function. The increase in immune cells causes a great defense against pathogens. The repetitive adaptation to the cold stimulus brings the immune system going. Particularly respiratory infections and susceptibility to infections, could be successfully improved with the treatments.
It is important to an early start with the "Resilience" by Kneipp. Jena also recommend doctors to treat early enough. 10 weeks should be easily taken into account in order to have a well-functioning immune system can. Easy to use at home, but to be charged with a great success, the cold water applications. So the body can be successful in the fight against viruses and bacteria. A nice gain in quality of life.