Strengthen your immune system in the sauna
Sauna and the immune system
Despite the cold in the sauna?
Forges a cold just to, you can have a sauna a beneficial effect.
The sauna should go with a looming cold vonstatten alone, the body requires a long recovery periods.
Sauna and the immune system
Especially during the cold season is the susceptibility of developing colds again very high. About Heated indoor irritate the mucous membranes and make them more vulnerable to bacteria and viruses. When switching between heated living space and the cold outside, you risk either sweating or freezing cold and fast. Moreover, one is at work, at the supermarket and at leisure frequently exposed to viruses and bacteria. But you can do a lot for it to prevent infection is not immediately at his fellow man. With a healthy diet, lots of vitamins, sports and sauna visits, each lasting boost his immune system and thus reduce or prevent infection altogether. Studies have shown that people who regularly visit the sauna in the winter much less or not at all ill.
Anyone who regularly visits the sauna, trains the thermoregulatory system of the body. During the sauna bath is one of his body temperature fluctuations and the body learns to respond to these stimuli. Blood vessels and mucous membranes are stimulated and able to adapt to the change from warm to cold. Furthermore, by bleeding all the skin well. A well-vascularized skin does not freeze as easily, if you do not freeze as fast, can not catch a cold so quickly. Ideally, visits once or twice a week to the sauna. The regularity is important. Who at least once a week visits the sauna can benefit from the health aspects and strengthen the immune system long term.
Forges a cold just to, you can have a sauna a beneficial effect.
So if the first cervical scrapes and discomfort becomes apparent, then, may, depending on personal well-being, immediately sauniert. Most conducive here is a bio-sauna or steam. The high humidity has a pleasant effect on the mucous membranes. If possible, should be avoided during a cold in the dry sauna.
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