Fill up with the sun vitamin D
Even from an early age is very vividly conveys the importance of vitamins. Every day a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables are essential to at least be able to meet basic needs. Parents place great value on fresh air and exercise, so that their children grow up healthy and develop normally. However, the importance of vitamin D is proved by the heavy disease rickets. A deficiency of this vitamin caused the disease and the affected children had to fight for their lives.
Skeletal deformities were the result in this disease. Teeth and bones were in a very cruel way, how much vitamin D is needed. This insidious disease fell on infants because they can not make enough of this vitamin itself. Luckily the doctors were the cause of rickets on the track and with the intake of vitamin D tablets in the first year of a child, the disease could be stopped successfully. Previously, children had to drink cod liver oil, however, to cover the vitamin needs. Children are particularly grateful for the development of vitamin D tablets. Course for every person who once had to drink cod liver oil!
Find out more about this vitamin
The bulk of this vitamin is produced in your body. Stored in adipose tissue and muscle, vitamin D is counted as a so-called hormone precursor. Originating from the UV radiation on the skin, it regulates calcium and phosphate metabolism and is responsible for the regulation of promotion and reduction of bone. Receptors for the uptake of vitamin D have been discovered in our bodies.
An insufficient amount of vitamin D can result from kidney and liver diseases. Endocrine disorders are also seen as a trigger for a deficiency. Some drugs have unpleasant side effects that they prevent the recording. Here, however, must operate the physician. Diet and time spent in the sun, of course, play a crucial role in a deficit.
The skin type determines whether the vitamin D can be produced sufficiently. Fair-skinned people do as opposed to dark skin, the vitamin more easily. The protection afforded by the dark skin does not allow for such rapid formation, because here is the inclusion of the radiation is reduced.
What can this sunshine vitamin?
This vitamin strengthens the development of bones and teeth. In cancer, it was observed higher chance of recovery, since growth and regeneration were suppressed. A lack of the T cells can not operate adequately. Studies in women with breast cancer showed a clear lack of vitamin D is three times higher metastasis. The mortality rate after 10 years of this terrible disease was significantly higher. Likewise, the onset of Crohn's disease, type I diabetes and MS are prevented. Due to the strengthening effect on the arteries and control blood sugar levels, this vitamin can also reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke to reduce greatly.
The immune system also benefits from an adequate supply. Frequent infections of the respiratory tract are usually observed in the sunless months. The positive effect is also seen in Parkinson's disease, concentration and memory. Stress and worry of the psyche often rely too much and make some serious depression. Not without reason depressed people, the movement is recommended in the sun, for even here the miracle vitamin enable real mountains.
How do I cover the needs?
Since vitamin D is produced mainly by solar radiation alone can only take place with food is not a sufficient supply. Especially pregnant women, nursing mothers and the elderly require a larger amount. Especially in the winter months it is difficult to capture enough sunlight. Some choose the path in the solarium, which is also highly controversial. One should very carefully look for a quality tanning salon. For the under-18s remain closed its doors in the solarium.
Of course you can also access to a drug from the pharmacy. But here caution must be paramount. Without knowing the exact value, this can cause an overdose fatal damage in the body. A vitamin D supplement may not be easily applied to suspicion. The blood tests are accurate indications of whether and how much should be taken. Overdoses are dangerous because they can cause serious health problems. Hazardous deposits in the vessels, kidney failure, muscle weakness and deposits in the tissues are just a small example of the potential risks of overdose. This allows fast times emerge from a normal blood pressure high blood pressure. Poisonings were also observed. Therefore, never take no collusion with a doctor!
The diet can meet the daily needs, but make it a part. Avocados, fish, liver, mushrooms, animal fats, eggs, milk and butter are really recommended. Therefore, they should be on the menu as often as possible. These should think especially the vegetarians, because they give up meat and fish, and thus not take quite as much of this important vitamin through the diet.
The only way to go is a daily exercise in the fresh air. The sun looks more positive than any drug and that a proper protection without side effects. You can with their bills, not only the body but also our psyche to keep healthy.