February 2012 | Tutorial Blog Tutorial Blog: February 2012


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cara Membuat Recent Post dengan Menggunakan Scroll

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Semoga berhasil...... selamat mencoba.........

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Vitamin E

Vitamin E

For healthy growth, our body needs a large number of essential vitamins. Each vitamin plays in the supply of the organism an essential role. Vitamin E (tocopherol) is one of the most important vitamins that the body needs.

Vitamin E belongs to the fat-soluble vitamins, which can save the body. It has an antioxidant property and thus is effective against free radicals. Free radicals are the cause of premature skin aging, because free radicals attack cell membranes, and at worst destroys the cell membranes and die.

Vitamin E combats free radicals and thus prevents premature skin aging. Also builds on vitamin E has a protective effect against UV rays and thus reduces skin damage from sun rays. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and accelerates the healing of skin wounds.

  Vitamin E in skin creams

Vitamin E is an essential vitamin for protection of our skin. We can get vitamin E from food, but also through the use of enriched with vitamin E skin creams.

A particularly high content of vitamin E is found in various oils, such as: olive oil, wheat germ oil and palm oil. Many high-quality cosmetics based on the substance of these oils.

By applying cosmetics enriched with vitamin E, we give our skin the important protection they so desperately needs. Vitamin E is in sunscreens contain the same frequency, as well as in anti-aging products. Creams that contain vitamin E, prevent aging of the skin and give the skin a young and vital appearance. The skin becomes smooth and supple.

At the same vitamin E is not only caring, but also protective. Dry skin and poor wound healing may indicate a lack of vitamin E.

Through the use of cosmetics containing vitamin E, you can ensure the supply of nutrients to the skin. They give your skin a much-needed protection against free radicals and prevent the same from a vitamin deficiency.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cara Membuat Like Facebook (Auto- Hide)

Tombol Like Facebook Ini berguna untuk bagi pengunjung Blog kita, dan juga bermanfaat untuk menambah Variasi pada Blog kita hingga tampil lebih menarik.

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Perhatian  Jangan lupa tulisan yang berwarna Hijau diganti dengan facebook fans milik Sobat.

7. Langkah terakhir klik tombol Simpan.. Selesai... 

Selamat mencoba........

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cara Install Driver WIFI dan LAN Untuk Semua Merk (All Type)

Apakah Anda sedang mengalami suatu masalah dari Laptop ataupun PCAnda dan mencoba untuk melakukan install ulang program pada Komputer Anda. kemudian mengalami kesulitan dalam mengkoneksikan/mengaktifkan kembali WIFI ataupun LAN dari Komputer Sobat. baiklah dalam Artikel kali ini mencoba untuk memberikan Solusi dengan cara Melakukan dowload / Install suatu Software bernama 3DP Net yang berfungsi dapat mengaktifkan kembali WIFI ataupun LAN agar terkoneksi kembali dengan Program windows Komputer Anda. untuk diketahui Driver WIFI ataupun LAN tersebut bersifat Universal / All Type yaitu dapat digunakan Untuk Semua Merk WIFI ataupun LAN card dan mempunyai ukuran kapasitas yang kecil sekitar 53Mb. dalam penggunaannya Driver ini secara Automatis akan mencari jenis ataupuntype Merk WIFI / LAN Card yang terpasang di Laptop atau komputerAnda. baiklah langsung saja Anda ikuti langkah-langkahnya berikut ini:

Cara Install Driver WIFI dan LAN Untuk Semua Merk (All Type):
  1. Terlebih Dahulu Anda dapat Mendownload driver LAN dan WiFiUniversal secara Gratis di link berikut : http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/OS-Enhancements/3DP-Net.shtml.
  2. Apabila telah masuk link tersebut, Lalu Anda klik tombol download kemudian pilih salah satu link download di sebelah kanan halaman tersebut menurut keinginan Anda dari 2 opsi yang diberikan. Dan driver akan secara otomatis terdownload.
  3. Dalam melakukan Install driver WIFI ataupun LAN, Anda tinggal doubel klik pada file driver hasil download tadi, maka file akan melakukan exstract dengan sendirinya apabila File tidak dapat melakukan exstract Anda terlebih dahulu melakukan install Software Winzip ataupun Winrar di komputer Anda  karena Software inilah yang melakukan proses Exstract File. Berikut contoh tampilannya :

  1. Lalu klik driver untuk menginstall driver LAN Anda. dan bila Anda ingin menginstall driver WiFi, Silahkan klik tanda +  maka akan muncul driver WiFi dan kemudian klik driver untuk Install driver WiFi.
Klik next untuk melanjutkan install driver, dan tunggu prosesnya sampai selesai

Cara Mudah Download dan Install Driver All LAN dan WiFi Image

 Apabila Driver telah melakukan install maka telah siap untuk digunakan.  Selamat mencoba........

Monday, February 20, 2012

Cara Membuat Daftar Isi Secara Automatis

Hii.. Sahabat Blogger semua, Apa kabar hari ini, semoga baik-baik saja tentunya, buy the way sekarang saya mau share nich.. mengenai cara membuat daftar isi secara otomatis pada blogspot dengan scroll atau dengan efek berjalan. Langsung menuju ke materi.. ya.. freinds. Berikut langkah-langkahnya :

1. Seperti biasa, login ke akun blogger anda
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7. Terakhir simpan dan lihat hasilnya....

 Selamat mencoba...........

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Strengthen your immune system in the sauna

Strengthen your immune system in the sauna

Sauna and the immune system

Especially during the cold season is the susceptibility of developing colds again very high. About Heated indoor irritate the mucous membranes and make them more vulnerable to bacteria and viruses. When switching between heated living space and the cold outside, you risk either sweating or freezing cold and fast. Moreover, one is at work, at the supermarket and at leisure frequently exposed to viruses and bacteria. But you can do a lot for it to prevent infection is not immediately at his fellow man. With a healthy diet, lots of vitamins, sports and sauna visits, each lasting boost his immune system and thus reduce or prevent infection altogether. Studies have shown that people who regularly visit the sauna in the winter much less or not at all ill.

Anyone who regularly visits the sauna, trains the thermoregulatory system of the body. During the sauna bath is one of his body temperature fluctuations and the body learns to respond to these stimuli. Blood vessels and mucous membranes are stimulated and able to adapt to the change from warm to cold. Furthermore, by bleeding all the skin well. A well-vascularized skin does not freeze as easily, if you do not freeze as fast, can not catch a cold so quickly. Ideally, visits once or twice a week to the sauna. The regularity is important. Who at least once a week visits the sauna can benefit from the health aspects and strengthen the immune system long term.

Despite the cold in the sauna?
Forges a cold just to, you can have a sauna a beneficial effect.

So if the first cervical scrapes and discomfort becomes apparent, then, may, depending on personal well-being, immediately sauniert. Most conducive here is a bio-sauna or steam. The high humidity has a pleasant effect on the mucous membranes. If possible, should be avoided during a cold in the dry sauna.

The sauna should go with a looming cold vonstatten alone, the body requires a long recovery periods.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

With Kneipp showers strengthen the immune system

With Kneipp showers strengthen the immune system

Every day is new, we get people in contact with pathogens. Be it in the workplace, on public transport or just at the supermarket. Bacteria and viruses surround us and ask for the functioning of our immune system, otherwise there is a risk of infection and we fall ill.

The performance of the immune system

The role of the immune system is to protect us from disease. The immune system acts as the police in our body. Cells recognize and destroy harmful visitors. This system is extended throughout the human body defends itself against the pests. With him stands or falls, whether sick or healthy, we can go through life.

If the system is weak

But a well-functioning immune system is not self-evident. It must also, to some degree be trained. A healthy diet and exercise in the fresh air and a waiver of this important beverage training system. If this is not the case, we get a receipt for this relatively quickly presented. Particularly colds do then wide in the weakened body. Usually one takes from this point on drugs in order to become the uninvited guests are Lord. It would be correct, however, if one were to begin before the disease by strengthening the immune system. What opportunities does it but claim?

Training for the immune system

Sebastian Kneipp was concerned with this issue. He promised himself a great deal of resilience of the human body. The countless success gave his legal theories and made of many ailing people already an active healthy again. Kneipp's water showers with regular use can bring back a limp immune system on its feet. For him, "Resilience," the magic word. His special fonts have the effect that the immune system is built up and strengthened.

His methods have been studied scientifically to measure the effectiveness. At the University of Jena have been away for 10 weeks, patients treated with coldness by Sebastian Kneipp, washes and showers. The result was Sebastian Kneipp law. The important Lymphotzyten increased in the patients by 13% and decreased infections in patients with impaired lung function. The increase in immune cells causes a great defense against pathogens. The repetitive adaptation to the cold stimulus brings the immune system going. Particularly respiratory infections and susceptibility to infections, could be successfully improved with the treatments.

It is important to an early start with the "Resilience" by Kneipp. Jena also recommend doctors to treat early enough. 10 weeks should be easily taken into account in order to have a well-functioning immune system can. Easy to use at home, but to be charged with a great success, the cold water applications. So the body can be successful in the fight against viruses and bacteria. A nice gain in quality of life.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Healthy Tips

As the cold season begins

The days grow shorter and the red-colored foliage of the trees falls gently to the ground, the cold season is not far away. It is wrapped in warm clothes and looking back quickly the warmth within your own four walls. Often with a hot tea and a blanket fitted out, a quiet contemplative evening on the couch instead. Everything seems so peaceful and nice and warm - if not for the world of bacteria and viruses. They are finding their way and give up their diligent efforts on people not to fall so quickly. Victims they find enough on public transport, schools, kindergartens and workplaces. This can be difficult to avoid if you have to live a normal life. Then one morning they suddenly felt itchy throat, and this is accompanied by an increasingly recurrent sneezing. Even you will feel tired and make the first signs of a head pain is spreading. By then it knows that an infection was stronger than one's own immune system. Now usually good advice. Ideally one would lie in bed and have nothing more to do with the knowledge that the next few days could be very unpleasant. At this point we should perhaps think again about how we might help the immune system on its feet. What can you do so you will not be immediately plugged in?

Prevention is better than suffering!

There is a lot of effective methods to make the body more resistant. A panacea is the movement in the fresh air. Various sporting activities to strengthen and maintain so far as some disease in a regular use.

This might be the right one for you:Note Health Tip: WalkingNote strengthen defensesNote refuel vitamin D

Much can be done for the health. Perhaps you realize success not once, but when all others have to fight sick with a cold and a self-blinding but it is, you will quickly discover how effective this can be advice. One must only take to heart.

So the sauna is very popular because they can from a flabby immune system to create a real powerhouse.Note strengthen the immune system in the sauna

A healthy and vitamin-rich diet also acts preventively and is also still for many other ailments highly recommended. In addition, the pomegranate can also help the immune system is strong on his feet. Studies show the effectiveness of this unique-tasting fruit. Surprisingly, when we read of what so tasty in nature is ready for us humans. Do not you think?
Note: The natural wonders of pomegranate

But even that sufficient drinking is paramount! Elderberry juice and ginger tea are to prevent a very promising choice. How important is water for us, has been discovered long ago Sebastian Kneipp. Its applications, you can always run home and feel it like a spa vacation. Not only enjoyable but also helpful showing us the element of water, such as healing and health benefits can be. On this page you will get an insight into the world of underwater applications. Note also the sub-themes, for here we have provided for you a lot of useful information.
Note Kneipp water doctor

One can also facilitate the work of his nasal mucosa in advance. Constantly in the fight against dust, pollen, bacteria and viruses, it is at times overwrought easily. With regular nasal irrigation they can help support their work. As a reward they will be able to beat many a cold on the run.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Fill up with the sun vitamin D

Fill up with the sun vitamin D

Even from an early age is very vividly conveys the importance of vitamins. Every day a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables are essential to at least be able to meet basic needs. Parents place great value on fresh air and exercise, so that their children grow up healthy and develop normally. However, the importance of vitamin D is proved by the heavy disease rickets. A deficiency of this vitamin caused the disease and the affected children had to fight for their lives.

Skeletal deformities were the result in this disease. Teeth and bones were in a very cruel way, how much vitamin D is needed. This insidious disease fell on infants because they can not make enough of this vitamin itself. Luckily the doctors were the cause of rickets on the track and with the intake of vitamin D tablets in the first year of a child, the disease could be stopped successfully. Previously, children had to drink cod liver oil, however, to cover the vitamin needs. Children are particularly grateful for the development of vitamin D tablets. Course for every person who once had to drink cod liver oil!

Find out more about this vitamin

The bulk of this vitamin is produced in your body. Stored in adipose tissue and muscle, vitamin D is counted as a so-called hormone precursor. Originating from the UV radiation on the skin, it regulates calcium and phosphate metabolism and is responsible for the regulation of promotion and reduction of bone. Receptors for the uptake of vitamin D have been discovered in our bodies.

An insufficient amount of vitamin D can result from kidney and liver diseases. Endocrine disorders are also seen as a trigger for a deficiency. Some drugs have unpleasant side effects that they prevent the recording. Here, however, must operate the physician. Diet and time spent in the sun, of course, play a crucial role in a deficit.

The skin type determines whether the vitamin D can be produced sufficiently. Fair-skinned people do as opposed to dark skin, the vitamin more easily. The protection afforded by the dark skin does not allow for such rapid formation, because here is the inclusion of the radiation is reduced.

What can this sunshine vitamin?

This vitamin strengthens the development of bones and teeth. In cancer, it was observed higher chance of recovery, since growth and regeneration were suppressed. A lack of the T cells can not operate adequately. Studies in women with breast cancer showed a clear lack of vitamin D is three times higher metastasis. The mortality rate after 10 years of this terrible disease was significantly higher. Likewise, the onset of Crohn's disease, type I diabetes and MS are prevented. Due to the strengthening effect on the arteries and control blood sugar levels, this vitamin can also reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke to reduce greatly.

The immune system also benefits from an adequate supply. Frequent infections of the respiratory tract are usually observed in the sunless months. The positive effect is also seen in Parkinson's disease, concentration and memory. Stress and worry of the psyche often rely too much and make some serious depression. Not without reason depressed people, the movement is recommended in the sun, for even here the miracle vitamin enable real mountains.

How do I cover the needs?

Since vitamin D is produced mainly by solar radiation alone can only take place with food is not a sufficient supply. Especially pregnant women, nursing mothers and the elderly require a larger amount. Especially in the winter months it is difficult to capture enough sunlight. Some choose the path in the solarium, which is also highly controversial. One should very carefully look for a quality tanning salon. For the under-18s remain closed its doors in the solarium.

Of course you can also access to a drug from the pharmacy. But here caution must be paramount. Without knowing the exact value, this can cause an overdose fatal damage in the body. A vitamin D supplement may not be easily applied to suspicion. The blood tests are accurate indications of whether and how much should be taken. Overdoses are dangerous because they can cause serious health problems. Hazardous deposits in the vessels, kidney failure, muscle weakness and deposits in the tissues are just a small example of the potential risks of overdose. This allows fast times emerge from a normal blood pressure high blood pressure. Poisonings were also observed. Therefore, never take no collusion with a doctor!

The diet can meet the daily needs, but make it a part. Avocados, fish, liver, mushrooms, animal fats, eggs, milk and butter are really recommended. Therefore, they should be on the menu as often as possible. These should think especially the vegetarians, because they give up meat and fish, and thus not take quite as much of this important vitamin through the diet.

The only way to go is a daily exercise in the fresh air. The sun looks more positive than any drug and that a proper protection without side effects. You can with their bills, not only the body but also our psyche to keep healthy.

Cold FLU

Cold flu

With a cold is an infection of the upper respiratory tract by viruses. The disease is usually harmless and lasts about a week. Often leads to colds in fall and winter. The causative viruses are highly contagious and spread by droplet infection (coughing, sneezing) from.

Viruses that can cause a cold



    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

    Parainfluenza virus

    and other

Complaints to a taking cold

    Nasal congestion, sneezing, watery secretion with an initial

    Performance status, increased fatigue and listlessness

    Mild fever and cough possibly through additional bronchitis

    possibly a feeling of pressure in the ears

    possibly head and neck and limb pain


The diagnosis of a common cold is due to the symptoms (runny nose, nasal obstruction, possibly a mild fever, etc.) provided. In general, it is not necessary to consult a doctor except for the occurrence of additional symptoms such as high fever, purulent nasal discharge, difficulty breathing. It can be a complication present, for example a bacterial superinfection, which can be treated with antibiotics.

TherapyGeneral measures

    avoid physical rest, of cold, drafts

    Increased fluid intake helps to liquefy the nasal secretions

    possibly steam inhalation

    Smoking irritates the mucous membranes and should be avoided

    Paper towels to avoid throwing away immediately and wash hands after blowing your nose for a further spread

    Prevention: regular visits to the sauna, hydrotherapy treatments can strengthen the immune system in older people, the annual flu vaccination is recommended.


Nasenropfen: decongestant nose drops ease breathing. However, you should not be longer than 10 days are used.

Prognosis is usually harmless, but ...

It can also occur complications:

    Sinus inflammation (sinusitis)

    Eye inflammation

    Middle ear infection (otitis media)

    Sore throat (pharyngitis)

    Bronchitis and pneumonia
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